Thanks for visiting our wedding website! We're glad you can make it for this awesome event in our lives. We will attempt to keep this website updated with information. If you have any other questions, please contact Matt or Adria. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you on September 7, 2013!
matt and adria
date & time
Date: September 7, 2013
Time: 5:30 pm
Both the wedding and reception will be held at the Elk Valley Lodge (see below).
Matt and Adria will be getting married at the beautiful Elk Valley Lodge in Divide, CO.
Address: 602 County Road 511
Divide, Colorado
From Divide, it takes about five minutes to get to the lodge.
If you are coming from Woodland Park, it takes about 15 minutes.
If you are coming from Colorado Springs, it takes about 43 minutes.
If you are coming from Denver, it takes about 1 hour and 47 minutes.
For additional directions and a map, try our good friend Google.
Visit the Elk Valley Lodge's website.
nearby airports
If you are flying into Colorado, we recommend the Colorado Springs Airport. You can stay in Colorado Springs and the drive to Divide, CO is not bad at all.
On occasion, the Denver International Airport may have cheaper tickets into Colorado. However, it is much farther away from Divide. Unless you plan on doing some sight-seeing in Denver while in Colorado, it would be better to fly into Colorado Springs. The overall cost should be cheaper.
Special thanks to:
Gary at The Elk Valley Lodge.
Josh Brambila for catering. Even though he hasn't cooked yet, it will be amazing.
Maddie Wilbur for her lovely photography.
We are registered at the following places:
• Bed Bath & Beyond - Search under Adria Self (registry #13461642)
• Amazon